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To make certain that you do not become responsible for any debts incurred by an identity thief, you must prove that you didn't create the debt to each of the companies where accounts were opened or used in your name. A group of credit granters, consumer advocates, and attorneys at the Federal...

WEST VINCENT TOWNSHIPREQUEST FOR PROPOSALS401a Deferred Compensation PlanINVESTMENT MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNT ADMINISTRATION (click here for PDF of the Proposal) INTRODUCTIONWest Vincent Township (Chester County) (hereafter referred to as the “Township”) is soliciting proposals from interested individuals and firms for the provision of plan fund investment consulting services to the Township, and its...

UPDATE: Glenn extends his sincerest thank you to everyone who donated items for our kennels. He believes we now have enough to get through our next season. Our Animal Control Officer, Glenn Deery, would love to see if anyone has any unused throw blankets, towels, leads and/or collars for...

This event is held in partnership with Clean Energy Future, a community engagement collaboration of these municipalities: Northern Chesco -West Vincent, East Pikeland, West Pikeland, Schuylkill Townships; West Chester Area - West Chester Borough, East Bradford, East Goshen, West Goshen, Westtown Townships. Save money with Tax Credits and save energy with Home...

Friday, March 15, 6:45pm; rain date Saturday Opalanie Park, 1422 St. Matthews Rd., Chester Springs, PA  19425 We have dancing woodcocks in West Vincent! These fascinating birds are only here for a short time - just to do their mating dance! Join us before sunset as we hike to their favorite dancing...

Opalanie Park, 1422 St. Matthews Rd., Chester Springs, PA 9:00am to 11:30am Rain Date: Sunday, April 7th Make West Vincent MORE Beautiful!Help baby trees.Create future forests.Protect our streams.Learn about nature. Care for and learn about nature! Meet in the parking lot of Opalanie Park. We will be caring for the woodland, birds, and...

America’s 19th Century Back to Nature Movement Presented by Robert J Wise, Jr, Architectural Historian and Chair of West Vincent Township Historical Commission Wednesday, April 24, 2024 West Vincent Township Building at 7PM Refreshments People may know the well-known camp meetings and Chautauquas - Oak Bluff, MA, Ocean Grove, NJ and Chautauqua NY. But did...

Right-of-Way (“ROW”) is a term frequently heard during the snowy season when mailboxes become displaced by snow.  However, ROWs are all around us regardless of weather.  A ROW is a type of easement granted or reserved over the land for transportation purposes (all the state and municipal roadways in the township...

The Township Board of Supervisors is looking to enact an ordinance regarding plastic bags, straws and utensils, etc. This ordinance will be voted for advertisement at the June 17, 2024, BOS meeting. If this passes, it will sit for 30 days before being voted on at the July...