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There are Killdeer birds ( that we have named “John and Jackie Kenne-deer”) that have chosen to build their nest in the parking lot at Opalanie Park.  The nest is surrounded by three construction barricades.  UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should anyone approach or disturb these birds or eggs/nest which are protected...

OJR School District reached out to the Township to share this information for those who may be interested in applying: Did you know that if you are: Age 65 years of age or older; Age 50 years of age or older and a widow/widower; Age 18 years of age or older and permanently disabled; AND...

PUBLIC NOTICEWEST VINCENT TOWNSHIP will receive sealed bids online for the West Vincent Township Paving Project until Friday, May 17, 2024, at 1:15PM at which time they shall be opened online and publicly posted via PennBid. All documents and solicitation details are available at no cost on PennBid – www.pennbid.net.A...

Late afternoon on May 17, TC Energy informed the Township that they need to perform pipeline work in the area near Malehorn Road (opposite the Andrew Evans Park entrance). This work should take 7 to 10 days and may cause delays in that area. TC Energy appreciates the...

Mr. Larry Liss, 40+ resident of Birchrunville, recently received a Silver Star for gallantry in action in aerial flight in Vietnam in 1967.  Please read THIS ARTICLE which details not only Mr. Liss’ time in the service but also provides a glance into his life.  You may also visit his...

Starting April 24th, Jaine Lane will be closed for the culvert replacement near the intersection at Birchrun Road. Work is expected to take approximately 1 month, and the road will be closed for the duration of the work.. ...

To make certain that you do not become responsible for any debts incurred by an identity thief, you must prove that you didn't create the debt to each of the companies where accounts were opened or used in your name. A group of credit granters, consumer advocates, and attorneys at the Federal...

WEST VINCENT TOWNSHIPREQUEST FOR PROPOSALS401a Deferred Compensation PlanINVESTMENT MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNT ADMINISTRATION (click here for PDF of the Proposal) INTRODUCTIONWest Vincent Township (Chester County) (hereafter referred to as the “Township”) is soliciting proposals from interested individuals and firms for the provision of plan fund investment consulting services to the Township, and its...