Police Department

Police Chief

Michael Swininger

Police Secretary

Ruth McVey – ext. 101


Sergeant Austin Russell – ext. 111

Corporal John R. Kane – ext. 110

Corporal Patrick  Butler – ext. 115

Officer Gregory Bickel – ext. 305

Officer Justin Fritz – ext. 121

Officer Ryan Ohar – ext. 307

Officer Nicholas Rubino – ext. 120

Our Mission

The mission of the West Vincent Police Department is to work with our fellow citizens of West Vincent to enhance the quality of life in our township. We will endeavor to raise the level of public safety through fair, impartial, and efficient law enforcement. We will preserve constitutional rights and human dignity, and to maintain a partnership with our community to meet present and future challenges.


In order to attain these goals we will strive to be recognized as an organization of the highest ethical standards and integrity and recognize that no one is above the law. We will operate together with trust and mutual respect for each others skill and experience.


In accomplishing these goals, service will be our commitment, honor and integrity our mandate.

Emergency - Call 911

POLICE Non-Emergency

phone: 610-458-3205 (non-emergency)
fax: 610-458-3206


Chester County Dispatch

610-935-2440 (non-emergency)
  • To make certain that you do not become responsible for any debts incurred by an identity thief, you must prove that you didn’t create the debt to each of the companies where accounts were opened or used in your name. A group of credit granters, consumer advocates, and attorneys at the Federal......

  • ...

  • Since Pennsylvania changed the firework laws in 2018 loosening regulations, we have received many calls from our residents, especially those with pets and livestock, concerned for the safety of their animals. Other firework-related calls to police were to voice concerns about the time of night fireworks were set off and......

  • The following are quick tips and a link to PennDOT for child passenger safety. Children from birth to 2 years old MUST be in a rear facing seat. Children up to 4 years old MUST be restrained using an approved child seat that matches their age and size. Children ages......

Call Police Department Non-Emergency Line to request accident reports. Allow 10 business days from accident for reports to be available.

Contact Officer Justin Fritz at jfritz@wvpolice.org to make an appointment to have your child car seat checked.

Contact Chester County Sheriff’s Department for information and to obtain an application.

For deer (or large animal or endangered species) – on a State road, please contact PennDOT at 800-FIX-ROAD – on a township road contact PA Game Commission, Southeast region at 610-926-3136.

All other dead animals are not retrieved by PennDOT, PA Game Commission or the Township.

Call the non-emergency line to obtain a gun lock.
Contact Chester County Treasurer’s Office, PA Game Commission and Fish & Boat Commission.

Contact Chester County Treasurer’s Office. All dogs 3 months or older are required by the State to have a valid dog license, fines will be assessed for non-compliance.

Call 911 for an emergency or if someone is hurt. Minor accidents under amicable circumstances call our non-emergency line to request an officer at the scene, or questions about speeding, signs or other traffic questions.

Call our non-emergency line at 610-458-3205. Our officers and the Animal Control Officer will assist you.

Review Right to Know procedures and our Open Records Policy

Patrol cars are positioned at various traffic points. Speed trailer/display boards are also used. Contact the non-emergency line at 610-458-3205 to request a display board for your street.

If you will be on vacation and would like our department to check on your residence while you are away, fill out the Resident Vacation Notice Form and send to the Police Department.

Be Safe - Share the Road!

West Vincent Township is a desirable place to live. Its beautiful topography and convenience to major highways and commerce create unique transportation needs—driving the family car or a commercial vehicle, moving farm equipment from field to field, walking the dog, riding bikes, enjoying horseback, walking with family and friends, or running alone.

Plan time for your trip; you may need extra time to wait for a school bus, farm equipment, or slower traffic on the road.
Watch for deer crossing the road—they are more active at dawn and dusk, and during hunting season.
On narrow roads, learn the best places to allow on-coming traffic to pass.
Near horses, slow down and pass carefully. Give horse and rider plenty of room. Don’t sound your horn or take other actions that might startle the horse.

Stay alert. Keep your eyes and mind on the road. (Minimize the distractions inside your car.)


Walk facing traffic.


Look ahead and plan how and where to safely step off the road.


Keep your children close to you, and your dog on a leash.


At night wear reflective clothing and carry a flashlight.


Obey the vehicular traffic laws; for example, signal before turning and come to a complete stop at Stop signs. Review the Pennsylvania Bicycle Laws before setting out on your trek.


Travel single file when biking with others.

Parking by Covered Bridges!
Many of our roads are narrow with private land on either side. We do not have public parking arrangements on French Creek Road or any other Township roads. Be respectful and ask the property owner for permission to park on their property. Please park vehicles completely off the road so as not to interfere with normal traffic flow. .
Driving ATVs!
ATVs can only be driven on private roads with the permission of the property owner. ATVs are not licensed for public roads.