10 Feb March 8, 2025: EAC hosts Live Stake Planting Demonstration (rain date 3/9)
729 Saint Matthews Road (Township Building) at 10am
Free Native Plants to benefit pollinators, birds, people, & water quality! Do you have a plant you love – and you just wish you had more of it? Do you have a problem wet spot in your lawn? An ugly steam bank? We have a solution!
Join the West Vincent EAC Nature Tenders for a demonstration of a quick, easy, and FREE way to clone your favorite plants. We will have limited samples of native plants to give away.
Our plan is to gather live stakes from Drew’s house on Friday – Drew is an EAC member who has offered to donate stakes! On Saturday (rain date Sunday), we will do a demonstration planting on the south side of the pond at the township building, fixing a spot with erosion and bare soil leaching into the pond, as well as adding more shade to cool the temp – fish like cool water!
You will learn techniques to clone plants at home. Examples of plants that work well for Live Stake Planting include elderberry, red twig dogwood, high bush cranberry, grey dogwood, yellow twig dogwood, willows , and button bush. We hope to have stakes of some of these plants available for you to take home. They will need to be planting in a wet area.
Want to learn more? Here is a link to a good Penn State article: https://extension.psu.edu/live-staking-for-stream… A West Vincent Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) event