March 11, 2025: EAC Presents – The Art of Giving with Native Flowers

The Art Of Gardening With Native Flowers – A talk by Laura Cruz & Free Native Flower Seed Giveaway

March 11, 7pm, Township Building

Garden Expert Laura Cruz will present a talk to inform and inspire us to create beautiful gardens with native flowers, which will make people, pollinators, and birds very happy! Laura’s talks are always beautiful, so even if you are not a gardener, you could come just to see the pictures!

Laura is a garden designer and horticulturist based in the Philadelphia region. Inspired by nature, ecologically-minded horticulture is her passion and expertise. She holds a Masters of Landscape Architecture from University of Sheffield and has worked alongside experts around the globe in public horticulture as well as the nursery and landscape industries, including Natural Lands’ Stoneleigh: a natural garden, North Creek Nurseries, Longwood Gardens, and Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library. She provides garden design, garden maintenance, and consultation services.

The West Vincent EAC will be giving out free seeds for our Pollinator Pitstop Plant of the Year 2025 – Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa). Wild Bergamot is the lavender colored flower in the event picture. March is the perfect time of year to plant the seeds outside in milk jugs!

A West Vincent Environmental Advisory Council presentation – part of their Pollinator Pitstop Program – designed to blanket West Vincent in Native Flowers to benefit people, pollinators, & birds and help with stormwater management.