19 Sep 10/21 – West Vincent Township EAC’s Nature Tenders Event
LOVE NATURE? Give Mother Nature a helping hand in Opalanie Park! Help out the woodlands new and old, learn about birds and butterflies and native plants, and enjoy a morning in nature with your community.
You don’t need to be strong – just gentle and patient! It is a meditative activity. Woodlands provide so many services to our community (stormwater management, temperature moderation, removing pollution from air and water, promoting and protecting biodiversity (birds! pollinators!), producing oxygen and removing carbon dioxide), and they are struggling.
Let’s help them! While spending the morning in this beautiful place, learning about nature & listening to the birds, our activities will include caring for the young trees in tree tubes and removing non-native invasive plants that are harming our native plants, insects, and birds.
Bring sturdy garden gloves if you have them. Wear long sleeves and pants and socks and closed toed shoes. Bring pruners or loppers (if you have them). We will have extra gloves and tools with us, so don’t worry if you don’t have your own. Be sure to bring a beverage in a reusable container. This is thirsty work! Wawa has promised to provide free hoagies!
RSVP by clicking on ‘going’ or ‘interested’ on our Facebook post so you don’t miss weather/cancellation updates.
We will have a chance to see the future location of our brand new Botanical Sanctuary, a new addition to the park that will focus on planting and teaching about native plants that are disappearing from the wild and that have a special medicinal relationship with people.
Rain date Sept. 22
This is a West Vincent Environmental Advisory Council event.