30 Dec June 23: EAC’s Wild Tree Care @ Weatherstone
When: Saturday, June 22 (rain date June 23) from 10am to noon
LOVE NATURE? Give Mother Nature a helping hand in Weatherstone! Help out the trees and lovely native flowers along the Weatherstone trail.
Meet on Pinehurst Road at the paved Weatherstone Trail that runs between Pinehurst and Fellowship Roads. This trail runs alongside a wooded wetland which protects one of the headwaters of Birch Run. There are many invasive plants that are strangling young trees right along the trail, and we plan to gently remove them. You don’t need to be strong – just gentle and patient! It is a meditative activity.
Trees provide so many services to our community (stormwater management, temperature moderation, removing pollution from air and water, promoting and protecting biodiversity, producing oxygen and removing carbon dioxide), and they are struggling. Let’s help them!
Bring sturdy garden gloves if you have them! Wear long sleeves and pants! Bring pruners or loppers (if you have them).
RSVP at [email protected] so you don’t miss weather/cancellation updates.
This is an event of the West Vincent Environmental Advisory Council.