Public Works

Public Works Manager

Mike Hogga

[email protected]

Road Foreman

Mark Hughes


Kevin Freese


Craig Horvath
Patrick Nelson

The Public Works Department is dedicated to providing the essential services needed to maintain the Township’s quality infrastructure. Public Works staff manages the maintenance of Township-owned roads, facilities, signage, drainage and storm issues, and snow and ice removal.

Before starting any work that requires digging, remember to call the Pennsylvania One Call System at 1-800-242-1776 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

You must give at least three days notice before beginning your project. They will notify the phone company, cable company, water, electric etc. to mark the lines. Note that phone and cable lines are often within 6 inches of the surface. Power digging equipment should not be used within 24 inches on either side of the markings.

Township roads are maintained by either the township or the state.

View a Map of all the roads in the Township. State Roads (in yellow) and Private/Non-Dedicated Roads (in pink)

Private road maintenance is the owner’s or HOA responsibility.

​State roads

SR1030 Birchrun Road-Hollow-Flowing Springs Road (St. Matthews to store, Route 100 to St. Matthews Road)

SR401 Conestoga Road/ SR1033 Hollow Road (From Flowing Springs Road to Covered Bridge)

SR100 Pottstown Pike

SR1028 Pughtown Road

SR1031 St. Matthews Road

contact PennDOT at 1-800-FIX-ROAD, access on-line at and “Submit Concern” or visit

Township roads

Report A Road Concern

Private road in a development: contact your HOA

If there is a blockage on any road in our township, please contact us immediately at 610-458-1601.

Dead deer, large animals or endangered species

State road: contact PennDOT at 1-800-FIX-ROAD

Township road or private road: contact PA Game Commission,

Southeast Region at 610-926-3136.


Small dead animals are NOT retrieved by PennDOT, PA Game Commission or the Township on any road.

Within 48 hours of the event, email us at [email protected], attention: Township Manager, and provide your address, date of damage, and nature of damage. We will inspect the damage and make the determination of fault.

Property/Mailbox Damage Policy – Guidelines and Claim Instructions

The Public Works crew has the right to enter, use, and maintain the right of way to help improve motorists sight. Right of way is generally the edge of property along a Township road; measured from the center of the road, its width varies from 33 ft – 50 ft wide. Trees, boulders, stones or fences are hazards and should not be placed in the right of way.

Please clear an area on the “upstream” side of your driveway entrance to allow space for the snow plow to deposit snow without creating a windrow of snow at the driveway entrance. Depositing or leaving snow in public roads restricts travel lanes and causes snow and ice accumulation. These actions are prohibited and homeowners are subject to fines.

Vehicles must be removed from all on-street parking spaces (including cul-de-sacs). Snow removal around mailboxes is the homeowner’s responsibility. ​Please refer to Ordinance 109-2001 Declaration of Snow and Ice Emergency for complete policy description.

Tree Planting Recommendations List – Trees can sometimes impede and interfere with PECO wires. Review the list which identifies trees that grow too tall to be under wires and suggested acceptable trees and shrubs to consider as replacements.

​The Township does not go onto private property to remove items on the side of the road. We will remove trash items from Township-owned property only.

​Township residents are required to find their own private trash hauler. If you live in a development with an HOA, check with the HOA to confirm their chosen trash services.

Please refer to the Township Code, and search for Municipal Waste Collectors and Recycling Ordinance for complete policy description.

Chester County Planning Commission has a dedicated page of all county resources, lists, and events for trash and recycling.

Chester County Solid Waste Authority has complete information on proper recycling procedures.

Bucks County Water & Sewer Authority provides water and sewer services to most of the Township. Some developments have public water and/or sewer and are serviced by other providers/townships .

No sewer certifications required for resale.

Any questions regarding water contact your supplier directly.

State Roads are highlighted in yellow; private roads are highlighted in pink.  All other roads are township-owned (click HERE for bigger view).

Our News

  • Starting April 24th, Jaine Lane will be closed for the culvert replacement near the intersection at Birchrun Road. Work is expected to take approximately 1 month, and the road will be closed for the duration of the work.....

  • This recent winter event saw an increase in phone calls to the Township.  Residents were calling to report roads that needed plowing; icy patches that needed salting; and the occasional mailbox that was knocked off a post.  We wanted to share some tidbits with our residents that our assist...