01 Nov New Space in Andrew Evans Pitstop
The Lasagna Method was used to create more space for fall blooming flowers in the Pollinator Pitstop in Andrew Evans Park. The flowers planted this past spring did so well! They bloomed all summer.
To extend the bloom time and give butterflies and bees food for fall, extra planting space was needed.
The West Vincent EAC Garden Club gathered on Nov 2 for their second annual Lasagna Method Demonstration. The Lasagna Method is the easiest way to start a new garden with no tools and no work. Cardboard and leaves were spread across a two-foot strip along the back of the Pitstop. Over the winter, the cardboard and leaves will kill the grass and weeds underneath as they break down into rich humus to enrich the soil.
In spring, well-behaved goldenrod and aster species will be planted for more autumn color and nectar.