26 Jul New Pennsylvania Fireworks Law
Since Pennsylvania changed the firework laws in 2018 loosening regulations, we have received many calls from our residents, especially those with pets and livestock, concerned for the safety of their animals.
Other firework-related calls to police were to voice concerns about the time of night fireworks were set off and the duration, sometimes lasting for hours.
Under the previous law there was very little the police department could do; however, that changed on July 11, 2022, when Governor Tom Wolf signed HB 2157 into law which will go into effect after 60 days. The following are the changes:
- Fireworks may not be used between 10 p.m. and 10 a.m. except on July 2-4 and December 31 when consumer fireworks may be used until 1 a.m. the following day.
- Allow local municipalities the ability to specify distance requirements from occupied buildings, animal housing facilities and / or livestock paddock areas.
- The law requires people to give written notification to livestock owners and/or managers a minimum of three days notice before fireworks are set off.
- New penalties include a $500.00 fine for a first offense. For repeat offenders, anyone cited a second time within three years of prior conviction, the fine is $1000.00. The law also provides the immediate seizure of any unused fireworks if there is unsafe firework use.