10 Aug Litter Lifters Acknowledged by Senator Katie Muth
Excerpt from Senator Katie Muth’s enews ([email protected]) distributed on August 8, 2022 – View complete newsletter here
A new anti-litter campaign was launched last week in Harrisburg by representatives from PennDOT, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, the Department of Community and Economic Development, the Pennsylvania State Police, and Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful.
The statewide anti-litter campaign, “PA Fights Dirty: Every Litter Bit Matters,” calls upon Pennsylvanians to ensure every piece of their trash, regardless of size, is disposed of properly. The campaign is based on research that shows only 3% of Pennsylvanians approve of littering, yet 40 to 50 percent litter. “Every Litter Bit Matters” will educate Pennsylvanians on situational littering, such as leaving trash on the ground next to a full can or in a stadium, as well as remind Pennsylvanians that litter of all sizes stacks up and creates problems.
PA Fights Dirty was developed as part of the Wolf Administration’s Litter Action Plan and in response to the 2019 Pennsylvania Litter Research Study, which found Pennsylvania has more than 500 million pieces of litter on its roadways. More than 85 percent of these pieces are less than four inches in size. “Every Litter Bit Matters” encourages Pennsylvanians to properly dispose of even their smallest pieces of trash.
Beth Intoccia of the Litter Lifters of West Vincent attended the announcement as a guest of my office and is pictured below with Kylie McCutcheon, representing Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful. The Litter Lifters of West Vincent Township, under the leadership of Beth Intoccia, organizes volunteer cleanup events for trash removal along area roads which keeps the greatest potential for harm out or our watersheds, ground and preserves our beautiful open space. If you would like to join a local event hosted by the Litter Lifters, contact them at [email protected]
Learn more about the new anti-lettering campaign.