11 Dec December eNewsletter Released!
Our December eNewsletter has been released to all our eNewsletter subscribers.
December eNewsletter highlights:
Our volunteer fire houses are hosting Santa parties and visiting our neighborhoods.
Volunteers needs for our Parks and Recreation and Traffic Safety Commission committees.
There is still time to pick a tag and drop off your gifts for our Giving Tree to help support the Coventry Food Pantry families.
The Board of Supervisors and Township Staff wish our residents a Merry Christmas, a joyous holiday, and a Happy New Year!
Sign up on our website today to receive our monthly eNewsletter to learn about what’s happening in the coming month in our township and the community (https://www.westvincenttwp.org/newsletter).

Our monthly eNewsletters contain upcoming meetings, events, and programs for the coming month as well as important news and updates for our residents.
Join the eNewsletter list to receive our news directly to your inbox each month.
All residents will continue to receive our semi-annual printed newsletter at their home address. Our semi-annual newsletters contain the Township’s achievements and accomplishments towards our stated goals and important one-time special project information.