30 Jan Wild Tree Care Event at Opalanie Park – March 2
West Vincent Nature Club – Wild Tree Care – Opalanie Park, 1422 St. Matthews Rd., Chester Springs, PA 19425 – Saturday, March 2, 9-11:30am; rain date March 3
Make West Vincent MORE Beautiful!
Help baby trees.
Create future forests.
Protect our streams.
Learn about nature.
Care for and learn about nature!
Meet in the parking lot of Opalanie Park, 1422 St. Matthews Rd. We will be caring for the baby trees in tree tubes and removing invasive plants from the woodland.
Trees provide so many services to our community (stormwater management, temperature moderation, removing pollution from air and water, promoting and protecting biodiversity, producing oxygen and removing carbon dioxide), and they are struggling. Adult trees are struggling with invasive insects, invasive vines, and severe storms. Young trees are also struggling with these issues, plus they are a favorite food of deer, and they usually end up being eaten.
Removing vines removes one of these stressors. Without the weight of the vines, the trees stand a better chance of withstanding severe storms. We plan to gently remove vines on trees along the trail. You don’t need to be strong – just gentle and patient! It is a meditative activity.
Caution – we are not targeting poison ivy, and we are not recommending removing it. There is always the chance in a woodland that you will accidentally bump into it. If you are highly allergic to poison ivy, this is not a good activity for you. Everyone should wear a hat, gloves, long sleeves, and pants.
Please bring sturdy gardening gloves, pruners, loppers, or outdoor scissors if you have them.
RSVP by email so you don’t miss updates and weather changes – [email protected]
Raindate March 3, 9-11:30am.
This is a West Vincent Environmental Advisory Council Event.