24 Jun PUBLIC NOTICE: Zoning Hearing Board Meeting 7/11/24
On Thursday, July 11, 2024, at 7:00 PM, the West Vincent Township Zoning Hearing Board will conduct a public hearing at the West Vincent Township Building to consider the following application:
The application of Matthew Dombroski, owner of 53 Buttonwood Lane, Spring City, 19475, Tax Parcel 25-4-63.4 requesting a variance from Section 390-144.A(3) – Accessory agricultural buildings and structures may be located within the front yard, but in no case shall the minimum front yard for the accessory building or structure be less than the distance allowed from the ultimate right-of-way of roads, or streets for principal buildings or structures in the applicable district and design option.
Applicant desires to erect an accessory building which does not comply with the above section of the Zoning Ordinance.
Full opportunity will be given to any citizen and all parties interested in being heard at the above public hearing.
James S. Tupitza, Esquire
Solicitor for West Vincent Township
Zoning Hearing Board