01 Apr ID Theft: News from our WVPD
To make certain that you do not become responsible for any debts incurred by an identity thief, you must prove that you didn’t create the debt to each of the companies where accounts were opened or used in your name. A group of credit granters, consumer advocates, and attorneys at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) developed an Identity Theft Affidavit to make it easier for fraud victims to report information. While many companies accept this affidavit, others require that you submit more or different forms. Before you send the affidavit, contact each company to find out if they accept it.
Please fill out this Affidavit and return it to West Vincent Township Police Department in person or fax to 610-458-3206 or email to [email protected] in order for an officer to generate a police report.
The FBI: Internet Crime Complaint Center is to provide the public with a reliable and convenient reporting mechanism to submit information to the Federal Bureau of Investigation concerning suspected Internet-facilitated criminal activity and to develop effective alliances with law enforcement and industry partners. Information is analyzed and disseminated for investigative and intelligence purposes to law enforcement and for public awareness. You can file a complaint online at www.ic3.gov