Traffic Safety Committee

Ken Alan (12/31/2026)
Adrienne Boyance (12/31/2026)
Marty Blumenthal (12/31/2027)
Whitney Jaeger (12/31/2025)
Elisa Davis (12/31/2027)
Jane Nina (12/31/2025)
Ted Otteni (12/31/2025)

Board of Supervisors Liaison: Bernie Couris


[email protected]


The goals and objectives of the Traffic Safety Committee are to enhance traffic safety and prevent conflict between different modes of transportation and recreational users of Township and State roadways.


The Ad Hoc Committee will identify issues of concern within the Township via residents, accident reports, police, committee members, Board of Supervisors and Township Manager. The Ad Hoc Committee will work to reduce/prevent accidents, as well as promote the “share the road” philosophy. A multi-faceted approach for solutions including education, enforcement, traffic calming devices, design and engineering shall be used.

The Ad Hoc Committee will strategize possible solutions to address areas of concern from a multiple perspective approach relying on personal experience, professional expertise (WVPD, WV Public Works, PennDOT) and proven techniques utilized by other municipalities and the state to enhance traffic safety.