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Sunday, May 19, 2024 from 2pm to 3:30pm Opalanie Park - 1422 St. Matthews Road Join West Vincent Environmental Advisory Council member Charlene Briggs for a foraging walk and learn about common backyard “weeds” & their food, medicinal & ecological value. The focus will be on plant identification, foraging basics, tonic wild...

Mt. Cuba Center FIELD TRIP sponsored by the WVT Environmental Advisory Council (EAC).  Saturday, June 1st Private Garden Tour 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Mt. Cuba Center 3120 Barley Mill Road Hockessin, DE 19707 Join neighbors & nature lovers for a private tour of one of our area’s most acclaimed public gardens - Mt. Cuba Center....

When: Saturday, June 22 (rain date June 23) from 10am to noon LOVE NATURE? Give Mother Nature a helping hand in Weatherstone!   Help out the trees and lovely native flowers along the Weatherstone trail. Meet on Pinehurst Road at the paved Weatherstone Trail that runs between Pinehurst and Fellowship Roads.  This trail...

An update has been made to the Financial Reports web page. The Township Manager Contract has been signed, approved, and posted to the Financial Reports page of our website. The following are the financial reports of West Vincent Township.  Proposed Budget provides the proposed budget documents for the following year, which are presented...

JAINE LANE DRAINAGE PROJECT • Jaine Lane will be undergoing tree work TODAY (December 21, 2023) through January 8, 2024 (changes in weather may slightly extend this work). • In mid-January 2024, pipework will commence on Jaine Lane. There is no set start date for this phase of work, but the duration...

Our December eNewsletter has been released to all our eNewsletter subscribers. December eNewsletter highlights: Our volunteer fire houses are hosting Santa parties and visiting our neighborhoods. Volunteers needs for our Parks and Recreation and Traffic Safety Commission committees. There is still time to pick a tag and drop off your gifts for our Giving...

EAC Sponsored Tour of Stoneleigh:A Natural Garden Saturday, August 17, 10:30 AM - Noon $15/person can be paid directly to Stoneleigh on the morning of the tour. (There is a $150 minimum, so if less than 10 people attend, the cost will be adjusted accordingly.)   RSVP [email protected]. Carpooling is encouraged.  Please indicate in your RSVP...

The Traffic Safety Committee is a new ad-hoc committee initiated by the West Vincent Township Police Department. The goal of this committee is to bring volunteer residents together to discuss important traffic safety topics regarding all vehicles (passenger, commercial, agricultural), motorcycles, bicyclists, equestrians, pedestrians, and any other mode of transportation...

It was a chilly morning when a group of local historians met on Saturday, November 25, at the Zion Lutheran Church and Cemetery. The group met at the gravesite of Frederick Sheeder (1777-1865) to commemorate his service in the War of 1812. During the War of 1812 he enlisted as a...