Please enjoy our quarterly e-newsletter. If you have suggestions for topics that you would like to see covered, please feel free to email with your ideas. (Photo: submitted for 2023 Fall Fest "Ferris - Curious Turkey") ...

West Vincent will be hosting an American Red Cross Blood Drive on Tuesday, July 9th from 1pm to 6 pm Please follow the link to sign up for a spot: Schedule a Blood, Platelet or Plasma Donation | American Red Cross ( ...

There are Killdeer birds ( that we have named “John and Jackie Kenne-deer”) that have chosen to build their nest in the parking lot at Opalanie Park.  The nest is surrounded by three construction barricades.  UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should anyone approach or disturb these birds or eggs/nest which are protected...

Late afternoon on May 17, TC Energy informed the Township that they need to perform pipeline work in the area near Malehorn Road (opposite the Andrew Evans Park entrance). This work should take 7 to 10 days and may cause delays in that area. TC Energy appreciates the...

Mr. Larry Liss, 40+ resident of Birchrunville, recently received a Silver Star for gallantry in action in aerial flight in Vietnam in 1967.  Please read THIS ARTICLE which details not only Mr. Liss’ time in the service but also provides a glance into his life.  You may also visit his...

Please enjoy our quarterly e-newsletter. If you have suggestions for topics that you would like to see covered, please feel free to email with your ideas. ...