At Opalanie Park on Friday, February 28 at 5:15 (rain date March 1) Woodcock Walk Rescheduled: The Ground is Frozen, But Our Enthusiasm Isn't! Due to the frosty grounds and chilly nights, we delayed the Woodcock Walk to March 14. These little birds need mud to snack on worms, and frozen ground...

“This award is a testament to all our amazing and passionate volunteers, working together towards a better and more sustainable future.  All of our committees have had a hand in moving in this direction: Sustainability, Clean Energy Transition Team, Environmental Advisory Council, Open Space, Planning and Litter Lifters, to name...

LOVE NATURE? Give Mother Nature a helping hand in Opalanie Park! Help out the woodlands new and old, learn about birds and butterflies and native plants, and enjoy a morning in nature with your community. You don’t need to be strong – just gentle and patient! It is a meditative activity....

All are invited to our EAC Book Discussion. Please join us even if you have not read the book. Light refreshments will be served. Local leaders in backyard habitat also will be present to answer questions and offer expertise. BRAIDING SWEETGRASS By Robin Wall Kimmerer (Description) Drawing on her life as an indigenous...

There are Killdeer birds ( that we have named “John and Jackie Kenne-deer”) that have chosen to build their nest in the parking lot at Opalanie Park.  The nest is surrounded by three construction barricades.  UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should anyone approach or disturb these birds or eggs/nest which are protected...

Friday, March 15, 6:45pm; rain date Saturday Opalanie Park, 1422 St. Matthews Rd., Chester Springs, PA  19425 We have dancing woodcocks in West Vincent! These fascinating birds are only here for a short time - just to do their mating dance! Join us before sunset as we hike to their favorite dancing...

Opalanie Park, 1422 St. Matthews Rd., Chester Springs, PA 9:00am to 11:30am Rain Date: Sunday, April 7th Make West Vincent MORE Beautiful!Help baby trees.Create future forests.Protect our streams.Learn about nature. Care for and learn about nature! Meet in the parking lot of Opalanie Park. We will be caring for the woodland, birds, and...