Bid results overseen by LTL Consultants. "James R. Kenney Excavating & Paving Inc. is the apparent low-bidder for both the Base Bid and Alt. Bid scenarios.  Grant monies and Twp. Required monies are noted above should the Township proceed with the project.  In light of not having a quorum...

Please be aware of the COUNTY-WIDE BURN BAN going into effect on Sunday, October 27. Edited 10/31/24: The municipality will be enforcing NO FIREWORKS during this period of the BURN BAN. ... ...

On Thursday, July 11, 2024, at 7:00 PM, the West Vincent Township Zoning Hearing Board will conduct a public hearing at the West Vincent Township Building to consider the following application:The application of Matthew Dombroski, owner of 53 Buttonwood Lane, Spring City, 19475, Tax Parcel 25-4-63.4 requesting a variance from...

Notice is hereby given that the Historical Commission Meeting for June has been rescheduled to Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the West Vincent Township building located at 729 St. Matthews Road Chester Springs, PA 19425. If you wish to attend the meeting and are a person with...