Phone: 610-458-1601
Fax: 610-458-1603
Tommy Ryan
[email protected]
Jim Wendelgass
Christina Casey
[email protected]
Dave Onorato
Hadlick, Onorato & Federman, LLP
Norm Ulrich
LTL Consultants, Ltd.
Submit an employment application with your resume for current Township job openings.
Click here to review our Mailing List Use Policy
Click here to review our Medication Drop Off Locations.
Our Township lobby is one of many in the county that has a medical drop of box. Please read list below, BEFORE visiting:
Products Accepted
Products Not Accepted
Click here to review the Permit Application Process. All other questions can be answered by our Permit Coordinator.
Requests are fulfilled by our Permit Coordinator. Plans must be picked up in person with a valid identification and payment of a fulfillment fee.
Review Right to Know procedures and our Open Records Policy
Evans Park gazebo, baseball field and soccer field are available for rental on a first come, first serve basis.
West Vincent does require a resale inspection or use and occupancy permit upon sale or purchase of an existing home.
West Vincent Township requires hard wired smoke detectors in new construction only. There are no requirements for the installation of smoke detectors for resale.
Click Here for a copy of the Township Social Media Policy
A solicitation application and guidelines form must completed for each person soliciting in the Township.
Tenant Registration Form and Bed and Breakfast Registration Form – Residents must register tenants and visitors to comply with Chester County 911 Emergency Preparedness and West Vincent Ordinance 97-1999 and Ordinance 403.A.10.c, respectively.
Submit a volunteer application to become a member of one of our Township committees or for an upcoming event.